UK new governement New Tax policies

UK New Government: What Should You Know About the New Tax Policies?

With the Labour Party’s recent election victory, the UK is bracing for significant tax reforms that could affect both individuals and businesses. Understanding these changes is crucial for UK taxpayers, small business owners, and others who need to manage their finances effectively. In this article, we’ll explore the new tax policies proposed by the Labour government and what they mean for you.

Overview of Labour’s Tax Policy Approach

Labour’s strategy for taxes focuses on stability and long-term planning. They want to make sure that tax rules are predictable so that businesses and people can plan their finances without worrying about sudden tax increases. By providing a clear roadmap for their tax policies, Labour aims to create a more stable economic environment. This means fewer surprises when it comes to tax changes, allowing everyone to plan better for the future.

Business Taxation Reforms Under New Tax Policies

Under the new Labour government, several important changes to business taxes will happen.

Corporation Tax Cap

One of the key announcements is to keep the maximum tax rate for businesses at 25%. This should give businesses confidence to invest in the long term without fearing higher taxes later. By capping the corporation tax rate, Labour hopes to create a stable environment where businesses feel secure in their investment decisions.

Full Expensing System

Businesses will be allowed to deduct the full cost of certain investments immediately. This is meant to encourage more spending on things that help businesses grow. For example, if a company buys new machinery, they can deduct the entire cost from their taxes right away, which makes investing in growth more attractive.

New Business Rates System

In an effort to create a more level playing field between physical stores and online retailers, Labour proposes a new business rates system in England. While details are yet to be finalised, this reform aims to address the current imbalances in the system. This could help small businesses that operate physical stores compete better with large online retailers, who often pay less in business rates.

What to Expect from Individual Tax Policies

The new Labour government in the UK has made promises about what they will do with taxes for regular people. Here’s what you can expect from them:

Income Tax, National Insurance (NI), and VAT

They won’t increase income tax, National Insurance (NI), or Value Added Tax (VAT). This commitment offers some reassurance to individuals about their immediate tax burdens. By keeping these taxes stable, Labour aims to ensure that individuals can predict their tax obligations without sudden increases.

Freezing Tax Thresholds

Tax thresholds won’t change until 2028. As people’s incomes go up with inflation, they might end up in higher tax brackets over time, so they could pay more taxes. This means that even if your income stays the same, inflation could push you into a higher tax bracket, increasing your tax bill.

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Changes to Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax

Inheritance Tax

Labour proposes potential changes to inheritance tax rules, especially for assets held in trusts outside the UK. The goal is to close loopholes and make sure all these assets get taxed fairly. This could mean more taxes on wealth that is currently sheltered from IHT through offshore trusts.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

There could be changes to how much tax people pay when they sell things like property or investments. Labour might make these taxes more like regular income taxes to bring in more money. They plan to close the loophole that allows private equity carried interest to be taxed at the lower CGT rate rather than as income, potentially increasing the tax burden on high earners.

New Government’s Strategy for Tackling Tax Avoidance

Labour is committed to closing non-dom loopholes and tackling tax avoidance aggressively. They will introduce measures to ensure that wealthy individuals and major corporations provide their fair share of taxes. By doing so, they aim to increase the revenue available for public services, making the tax system fairer and more effective.

  • Closing Non-Dom Loopholes: They plan to end special tax rules for people who aren’t from the UK but live there for a long time. This should make the tax system fairer. By closing these loopholes, Labour aims to ensure that wealthy individuals living in the UK pay their fair share of taxes on their global income.
  • General Tax Avoidance: Labour wants to crack down on people and businesses who try to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. They’ll tighten the rules and make sure everyone pays what they owe. This could involve more audits and stronger enforcement by HMRC to catch and penalise tax evaders.

Timeline for Implementing New Tax Policies

The implementation timeline for these tax changes will be crucial. Understanding when and how these changes will be rolled out can help you plan your financial strategies accordingly.

  • Implementation Timeline: Labour will roll out these tax changes over time. They’ll announce their plans in yearly budgets, so businesses and people can prepare for what’s coming.
  • Stay Updated: It’s smart to keep up with the latest news about taxes. Talking to financial experts can help you figure out how these changes will affect you and what you should do. Staying informed about the latest tax updates can help you take advantage of any new tax benefits and avoid potential pitfalls.


The UK’s new government’s tax policies aim to create a fairer, more predictable tax environment while raising funds for public services. Whether you’re an individual taxpayer or a small business owner, understanding these changes will help you make smart financial decisions, easy to plan and adapt. Stay informed about the latest UK tax policy developments and consult with our experts for personalised advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Labour’s tax policies include capping the corporation tax at 25%, closing non-dom loopholes, introducing a full expensing system for business investments, and changes to inheritance and capital gains taxes.

The proposed cap at 25% aims to provide businesses with stability and predictability, encouraging long-term investment without fear of sudden tax hikes.

This system allows businesses to deduct the full cost of certain investments immediately, promoting growth by making it more attractive to invest in new equipment and infrastructure.

Labour plans to close loopholes that allow assets in offshore trusts to avoid inheritance tax, ensuring that all assets held by UK residents are taxed fairly.

Labour has committed not to increase income tax, NI, or VAT rates, providing reassurance to individuals about their immediate tax burdens.

Freezing tax thresholds until 2028 means that as incomes rise with inflation, more people might end up in higher tax brackets, potentially increasing their tax bills over time.

The implementation of these tax changes will be announced in yearly budgets, allowing businesses and individuals to prepare accordingly.

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