our services

Other Services

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Other Services

Services like sponsorship licence applications can be complicated and expensive, as high-street lawyers charge a very high fee for them. Our partner immigration lawyers charge affordable fees for our referred clients. We evaluate business performance and make sure payroll and pension are in order before forwarding the application to the designated immigration lawyers. Read more…

Business Plan Service

Our accountants can assist you with creating a business plan and cash flow forecasting, which will enable your company to persuade potential investors of how its aims and objectives may be achieved in the future.

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Pricing Plans

Swiftacc and our partner entities able to provide you with a wide range of services like employer sponsorship licence application and business plan service. 

Business Plan Service

Applicable For Bank Loan, Crowd-Funding
£499│Each Business Plan
  • Developing Business Plan
  • Business Plan Summary
  • Company Description
  • 3 Years Financial Forecast
  • SWOT Analysis
  • T&C Applies*

Company Year End Tax filing: £275

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We Work With

Our goal is to support our clients’ success at affordable price. We will not only take care of your accounting needs but also offer valuable insight and guidance to advance your Business.